Ja-Ja Chews is a trendsetting Online Store, presenting, for the first time, a 100% organic homeopathic chew made of four of the most powerful and effective products found in nature. JaJa Chews is delivering a first-rate product and exceptional customer service to shoppers from all over the world. We’re a business made up of innovators that have been personally cured and confirmed disease-free by their attending physicians, much to their amazement simply by consuming these chews. We are driven to constantly deliver the absolute best that nature has to offer. This unique combination of four ingredients manifests itself into a powerhouse of relief and disease anilation with no chemical side effects.
One of the largest European pharmaceutical giants has been talking to us for two years, but we decided to stay independent and to deliver our chews through honest marketing and hands-on manufacturing at our own facility here in Florida. Our name has become viral amongst our growing family of clients and synonymous with quality, sustainability, value, and reliability. We are proud to have produced a growing family of happy customers and look forward to continuing our work for many more years to come! Browse our site to explore our single product in a size that meets your requirements.
Patricia A. Fox, Founder & CEO

Patricia suffered from Lupus for many years and was in declining health from the disease and the effects of her prescription medication regime.
She researched tirelessly and tested different formulations in her home lab until she arrived at the perfect mixture of natural ingredients. She was monitored closely by her medical team and slowly removed ALL prescription medications from her regiment. Months into her transformation from prescription drugs to her natural product, her numbers started to rebound until finally the Lupus was gone. That was three years ago and still clear and super healthy.
Food Handler Certification

Stephen DeMilta, Advisor

Stephen earned his wings after being hired by a large multinational trading and services company representing American clothing, global cosmetics and FMCG brands. Stephen led in the re-establishment of these brands after the after the Gulf War; American brands such as Ralph Lauren, Liz Claiborne, J.C. Penney, Estee Lauder, Clinique, with expansion into Hershey's Chocolate throughout Pan Arabia, General Mills, General Foods, and the review of potential factory alliances for Anheuser Bush and Anheuser Bush Eagle Snacks in North Africa.
Today Stephen is also the Chief Procurement Officer for a highly successful nutrition brand called Nutrition 2 Go, LLC, (www.N2Gsupps.com)